MIX BATCH machines are continuous closed cycle plants for instant pasteurizing, homogenizing and cooling of ice-cream mix with a production capacity from 150 to 1 200 L/h. MIX BATCH has the compact and hygienic complete stainless steel design. The space requirements are minimalised by means of optimal layout of the plant. All parts and components are easy to inspect and maintain.
Features of MIX BATCH:
- Mixing tank (2 pcs), temperature indication
- Mix filter
- Centrifugal pump to deliver the mix to the heat exchanger
- Plate heat exchnager, 2 sections
- Homogenizer with pumping pistons, working pressure 180 - 250 bar, single/double stage
- Control panel with all electricals, PLC operator interface with process visualisation
- Liter counter to measure amount of water/milk going to pasteurising tank, according to the recipe
- Boiler supply hot water for the pasteurizing tanks. The hot water can be prepared through electricity/gas/steam
- Centrifugal pump to deliver the hot water to the pasteurising tanks